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Digital Mammography Suite – Zero Stress Zone
Screening through mammography is the best way to stay safe when it comes to breast cancer – you know it. But chances are you’ve been putting it off as the very thought of the procedure fills you with apprehension. Relax, you are not alone. Take a survey of just about any group of women and you’ll find they feel the same way!
From the moment you enter the Suite, you are taken care of by an all-women team. Our expert Radiologist takes you through the procedure while the technologist guides you through the preparations. The state-of-the-art 3D Digital Mammography system then takes over. It auto-positions you within seconds even as the ergonomically designed handles and paddles mould your breasts to ensure minimal discomfort during the compression part of the procedure.
The system then senses your breast density and thickness customizes the radiation dose required and delivers optimized X-ray spectra which penetrates the densest breast region – all in a space of 40 seconds.
The Radiologist in the adjoining room is simultaneously viewing the crystal-clear 3D images produced on a hi-resolution monitor. There are no films to check as with conventional machines & no need for you to wait. You are free to go!
Colour Doppler: