- Overview
- Our Doctors
Radiology and Imaging
The Radiology and Imaging Institute provides state-of-the-art imaging services with quality reporting and instant availability. In order to deliver the most efficient and precise diagnostic services, Billroth Super Speciality Hospital has put in place the latest and cutting-edge technology and infrastructure. A complete cardiac CT scan can be performed in less than five seconds. The MRI reduces scan time by half while providing far greater accuracy.
The Institute has installed state-of-the-art-technology like South Asia’s First Signa Artist MRI Wide Bore (70 cm) with Advanced Functional Imaging; South Asia’s First Revolution Frontier CT 256 Slice with Dual Energy & Spectral Imaging; CT Coronary Angiography with Plaque Characterisation; Advanced 3D / 4D Ultrasound Doppler with Elastography & Fusion Imaging; Digital Mammography; Interventional Radiology; DEXA Bone Densitometry; Digital Radiography and Digital Cine Fluoroscopy.
Interventional Radiology
Interventional Radiology department offers minimally invasive procedures using image guidance (Ultrasound CT scan, fluoroscopy) such as Vascular and Non-Vascular interventions and state-of-the art Digital Mammography, Breast Interventions including Stereotactic Breast Biopsy.
Services and Treatments offered:
- Vascular Procedures: Peripheral Angiographies & Angioplasties- carotid, renal, iliac, subclavian, mesenteric, aortic, below knee arteries, endovascular control of life threatening bleeding from gastrointestinal tract, genito-urinary tract & respiratory tract, catheter directed thrombolysis for arterial thrombosis, intra-arterial chemoembolisation for tumours, pre-operative devascularisation of vascular tumours, AVM embolisation, endovascular management of pseudo aneurysm, uterine fibroid/AVM embolization, aortic aneurysm stent grafting, Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS), BRTO (Balloon Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration).
- Venous Interventions: Varicose Vein Ablation by Laser / Radiofrequency Ablation (treatment without surgery) & Catheter Directed Thrombolytic Therapy for Deep Vein Thrombosis, Inferior vena cava filter insertions, balloon plasty of Veins, Venous Stenting, Sclerotherapy for incompetent perforators and spider veins.
- Neurointerventions procedures: Cranial and Spinal DSA, Aneurysm Coiling, AVM Embolisation, Carotid and Vertebral Artery Stenting, Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke, Flow Divertor Placement, Tumour Embolisation
- Non vascular Procedures: Image guided (Ultrasound / CT guided) fine needle aspiration & biopsies from various regions (including biopsy from kidney, breast, liver, bone & tumours in various regions), Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and biliary stenting, Percutaneous nephrostomy, Percutaneous drainages of deep-seated abscesses, Fallopian tube recanalisation, vertebroplasty and radiofrequency ablation of tumours, all types of percutaneous biopsies.
- Mammography & Breast: Digital Mammography and Stereotactic Guided Core Breast Biopsy; High Resolution Sonomammography.
Radiology Doctors
Meet the Team – Best Radiology doctors in Chennai